


My Sensual Nature Presents

The Feminine Divine Mystery School

Part 2

The Maiden Retreat

April 26-29, 2018


We as women have access to great power and healing through our cyclic nature. This power has been suppressed, belittled and ignored. Its been called inappropriate, too much and out of control. But, as we move into a more enlightened age, things are changing. It is safe to reclaim our power as women, and IT IS TIME.

It is time to let go of past agreements to remain small. It is time to step out into the light and feel the world with new sensuality. It is time to extend our powerful and fierce feminine love first to ourselves and then the world. The Maiden energy is calling. She is asking you to step into the light. She knows you will be vulnerable and she asks you to claim this as a gift. And she will show you the path to your feminine power.

Come join us to explore the Feminine archetype of the Maiden. She who is full of hope, ready to blossom and preparing for incredible creations. You will learn to nurture and care for yourself. You will be supported in rising into your pure essence. You will want to embrace your sensual nature and your sexuality. You will become the embodiment of the true and oldest meaning of Virgin, woman one in herself. You will learn to be the ‘Fool’, the one who follows her instinct and intuition. Guided by spirit and supported by Shelley and Marni, both powerful Creatrix and healers, you will be able to connect deeply with your self, with your soul. Come to learn, grow and flow with life.

By joining this journey in to reclaiming your womanhood, you will:

-Awaken to your feminine magnetism.

-Be empowered to make choices that serve your soul.

-Learn and practice deep self love.

-Establish self sovereignty.

-Connect with others and celebrate yourself.

-Learn to be supported and receive from the balanced masculine.

-Prepare yourself to receive love, from yourself, lover, the world.

Clearing self sabotage patterns

We as women have been taught for millennia to give our power away. We were taught to play nice, not be so loud, act like a ‘lady’, dress a certain way, be a certain way. We’ve been shamed, punished, and destroyed for standing in our power.

Have you ever beat yourself up for:

-Allowing someone to make a decision for you to keep the peace?

-Not having the ‘perfect’ body?

-Being too out there, too bitchy, too loud?

-Being too shy to speak your truth or protect yourself?

-Being a victim?

-Being moody or sad?

-Showing vulnerability?

You’ve been taught, trained even, to feel that way. Exploring and connecting with your inner Maiden will help you reclaim your sovereignty, set clear boundaries, and show yourself fierce love. You will be able to loosen the grip you have on the big stick(s) you beat yourself with. When we clear away the negative beliefs and patterns it leaves room for beautiful things to grow within us.

Reclaim your Feminine Essence

The Hebrew root of the word Virgin is ‘Woman one in herself’. Ancient priestesses were said to have taken on the name Virgin, not because they chose not to have sex, but because they chose what they felt was right for them and their body. They were the sovereign rulers of their Feminine Essence.

The first step to reclaiming your essence is to bring yourself back down into your feminine body and recognize your body as an amazing, living TEMPLE. Connecting with your inner Maiden will help you connect with WONDER and AWE. Wonder and awe at Mother Earth, Humanity, and most importantly, yourself. Starting with baby steps, we will explore the wonders of our bodies and our connection with nature and humanity. You will get to begin part of this connecting process through a ritual passage over water at a nearby lake.

The next step is DEVOTION. As you connect with others we will see beauty in them that is a mirror of the beauty in us. Through exercises and sharing you can learn to see through the illusion in your mind to the beauty of your soul. This is when you will want to devote yourself to yourself! Treating you like a Goddess and your body like a temple. During this extended weekend retreat we will explore many ways to do this through dance, self care, connecting with nature, meditations, rituals, and creations.

About Shelley

Shelley is the founder of My Sensual Nature, host of the Feminine Divine Mystery School, and owner of Organic Earth Designs. She has been an entrepreneur for 16 years with several successful businesses. She is a Certified Dream Coach® through Dream University and a student of Marcia Weider, America’s Dream Coach®. She spent a year in Dream University’s The Meaning Institute®, lead by Marcia. She is the mother of three amazing children. Shelley has been leading Yoga and Yoga trance dance for 11 years and teaching tribal fusion belly dance (or as she would say, ancient, sacred, feminine movement) for 2 years. Shelley is a outdoor enthusiast and has been climbing for 18 years. She has coached climbing and outdoor adventure for 11 and incorporates her favorite adventures into My Sensual Nature retreats and workshops, and into her Dream Coaching®. 

About Marni Wild Wolf Woman

Marni is the woman who runs with wolves. Literally, she is a talented trailrunner and outdoor enthusiast who trains for and runs Ultramarathons. In addition, and more importantly to her, she has been doing inner work for 10 years. She trained under Pam in the art of meditation, self development, native history and lore, and women’s empowerment. She has led women’s circles, spiritual and political gatherings, and been a guide for meditation for 9 years. She is a powerful woman who knows herself. She is a witch and a healer and she does her best to flow with her cycles.



The Maiden Retreat starts at 6pm on Thursday the 26 and ends at Noon on Sunday the 29.

The Maiden Retreat