The Wilding Retreat

The Wilding Retreat

My Sensual Nature Presents

The Feminine Divine Mystery School

Part 4, 2022

The Wilding Retreat

October 28-30, 2022

Join us to welcome in your wild self. Inside you is the woman who runs with the wolves, howls at the moon and rages like the sea. As we explore the Feminine Divine archetype of the Wild Woman we will reclaim the parts of ourselves that have been labeled bad, too much, and dangerous. The wild woman is ‘dangerous’ because she speaks her truth and disintegrates that which does not serve her. She is ‘too much’ because she knows that she is a goddess. She is ‘bad’ or rather badass, because she can move mountains to get what she needs for herself and her people. She is full of fierce love and passion. No one can love like she does. Her rage releases ages of pain and suppression and is as beautiful as the sea, the wind and the flame. With her voice she demands for positive change. Come meet her, come release your inner wolf, your inner Kali, your inner Goddess.

The Feminine Divine Mystery School Part 4; The Wild Woman